Kiteboarding Gear uk

Kite boarding is becoming one of the fastest growing of extreme sports around the world an also in the UK.

Kite boarding is one of those extreme sports that really takes you back to nature its lots of fun, challenging and exiting. It is so exhilarating surfing those unpredictable high waves and flying through the air. You do surfing, windsurfing, and wakeboarding, all at the same time! You will feel the thrill once you have begun to master the sport and learnt all the different cool moves and tricks.

When choosing the right gear it is best to get some help there are many boards advertised in all different colours and styles. But you have got to choose the right one for you. If you can speak to the instructor for more help. but here is just a brief guide to help you along.

If you are just a beginner

Normally the recommendations for beginners are longer boards of 150cm or over they are best for lighter wind speeds. shorter boards of 140cm or less are for more advanced levels which enable the more advanced riders to take out in higher winds and also better for doing jumps and different manoeuver with.

Another factor to look for when you are a beginner at Kiteboarding is the width if its wider it glides much easier .For more advanced riders they may choose a short but wide board which will enable them to do more tricks and stunts on. Once you are more experienced you may choose to go for the one with a sharp rail these will give you much more speed and a lot more control over your Kiteboarding

Also there are different types of board depending on your style the Twin tip which is light and are easy to control and great for newbies or even advance Kiteboarders. This one is used if you are into free-riding and wake-style. It can be steered in both directions , another one is the One-Diection surfboard. this is used for wave riding.

The Next thing is the Kite.

You manoeuver your kite when you fly into the wind. It is important because it generates the driving force for the rider. There are actually two ways of maneuvering a Kite-either to steer or to sheet. Both of them will enable you to increase or decrease the force and speed depending on the way you use them. In steering, you must correctly position the kite in to the direction of the wind. Otherwise, you will not get the force you need during yourKiteboarding. In sheeting, you maneuver your kite by sheeting in or sheeting it out. In this way, your kite will catch the wind and release it, thus generating extra power for you.

The Kite complements the board’s function. That is why board is as important as the kite. With the board, you can control your kite and steer it in whatever direction you desire because the board is the one resisting the kite’s pull.

It’s always best to get lessons then you can also learn all about the safety and the hazards of this exhilarating and exiting sport learn all the tips and trick and most of all stay safe.

So wish you all the best of luck have fun with your kiteboarding take care and enjoy yourself.

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